Florida Water: History, How to Make, Spiritual Uses,
What is Florida Water?
Florida Water, an alcohol-based blend, has been utilized since the 1800s as a citrus-scented cologne or perfume, originating from New York City by the company Murray and Lanman. It is believed that the name 'Florida Water' was inspired by the legendary Fountain of Youth, possibly located in the Spanish colony of Florida. With its rising popularity in the 1800s, it found uses in floor cleaning, shaving, bathing, and as an air freshener. Enslaved individuals began incorporating Florida Water into their spiritual practices as a substitute for African Traditional Religions, which they were prohibited from practicing. Today, Florida Water continues to be a staple in spiritual practices for purification, offerings, and ancestral veneration in Hoodoo, Voodoo and Santeria.

Can I Make My Own Florida Water?
Yes, anybody can make Florida Water. It requires alcohol (not rubbing alcohol), pleasant scenting herbs of your choice, and essential oils. In spiritual practices, Florida water can vary in appearance and aroma, distinguishing it from the Murray and Lanman variety.
Spiritual Uses of Florida Water
An important detail when using Florida Water spiritually is to follow your intuition:
Ancestral Altar: If you have an ancestral altar, place a cup of Florida Water on the altar. If you do not have an altar, use a space to offer it to them. Something as simple as a place at the table will do. This can also be used for your own altar or an altar for your spirit guides.
Spiritual Bath: Add a small amount to your bath and use it as a cleansing ritual or anointing an individual. (Not recommended for kids)
Cleanse Yourself: Spray or spritz Florida Water over yourself and say a prayer, spell and/or manifestation. This can also enhance spiritual protection from negative energy, similar to Holy Water.
Cleanse your Home: Use the Florida Water to mop the floors starting from the back of the house to the front. You can also fill a spray bottle and mist it throughout your home to improve the fragrance and cleanse each room.
Perfume/Cologne Use: Being that this is originally why it was created, this can still be a more beneficial way to raise your vibration because of its natural herbs.
Laundry Use: Add it to your laundry as a form of protection.
Spells and Manifestation: Pour or spray a bit on to the pages to enhance it.
Remembering your Dreams: Place a bowl of Florida Water to remember your dreams and get rid of nightmares.
Bring Prosperity: Add to your money spells, prosperity spells etc to enhance the ritual and add abundance
How Do I Make Florida Water?
As stated above, Florida Water can be used intuitively. This is a basic recipe that is great for beginner spiritualists. Some may even "pray on it" and ask a higher source, ancestors and spirit guides on the other side.
2 cups Vodka (80 proof)
20 drops Essential Oil (Traditional Oils are typically lavender, bergamot, lemon, orange, ylang ylang, eucalyptus)
2-4 Orange Peel, Lemon Peel, Peppermint Leaves
2 Cinnamon sticks
Witch Hazel (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a glass bottle.
Let the mixture sit for 2-4 weeks or longer. Keep out of direct sunlight. If you wish, allow it to charge outside during a full moon.
Strain the ingredients into another clean glass bottle or container for future use.
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